3-Ply White, Full Color Digital Print Beverage Napkin
#4063-CB-FC Virgin Tissue

Production Time: 5 Working Days
250 $0.67 each
500 $0.59 each
1000 $0.56 each
2500 $0.54 each
5000 $0.54 each
$55.00 each
Please Specify:
1: Standard NO EMBOSSING (no coin-edge emboss)
2: Coin-Edge Emboss: (with embossed edge & smaller image area)
When custom-imprinted with your logo, paper napkins deliver life and color to your table presentations. They tell your customers that details matter to you and convey the pride that you take in your business. And printed napkins are not only for restaurants and clubs. They’re for expressing your hospitality at grand openings, sales meetings, anniversaries, new product introductions, trade shows, company picnics – and all other occasions when your firm provides food and beverages.
Base Price Includes Full Color Imprint on Front Panel

$55.00 (g) Per Order (Exact Repeat No Charge)

Normal Production Time
5 Working Days

Product Size
4.75" x 4.75" (9.5 x 9.5 unfolded)

14 lbs. per carton

Country of Manufacture
United States

Additional Information
Product Options pricing to be added to grid prices.

For Less Than Full Case Order Quantities: Case Pack, weight and sleeve packing WILL vary from these standard specifications according to the cartons used. Call For Shipping Estimates

Napkin Stock Shades (disclaimer:) Please note that napkin stock varies slightly in the color tone from mill lot to lot. For this reason we cannot control the degree of stock hue, brightness or dimness on reprint orders.